カテゴリー等 | サイト名等 | 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 | リンクURL | 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム | 登録日 |
IT | 気になる、記になる… | NTTドコモ、「Apple Watch Series 7」を10月15日に発売へ | https://taisy0.com/2021/10/05/147029.html | apple | 2021-10-05 10:43:29 |
TECH | Engadget Japanese | スマホやタブレットがセカンドモニターに変わる。マグネットスタンド「SUPMANGO(サプマンゴー)」 | https://japanese.engadget.com/supmango-stand-101014294.html | iPhone以前の機種でも、すでにMagSafe充電器をお持ちの方は、SUPMANGOと一緒に付属のマグネットシートを取り付けることでご使用いただけます。 | 2021-10-05 10:10:14 |
IT | ITmedia 総合記事一覧 | [ITmedia News] VR空間で電子書籍を「ページめくり」しながら読む メディアドゥが新サービス、ハンドジェスチャーにも対応 | https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2110/05/news159.html | itmedianewsvr | 2021-10-05 19:16:00 |
IT | ITmedia 総合記事一覧 | [ITmedia News] スクウェア・エニックス、初のNFT事業 デジタルシール「資産性ミリオンアーサー」発売 | https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2110/05/news158.html | itmedia | 2021-10-05 19:11:00 |
IT | ITmedia 総合記事一覧 | [ITmedia News] 初代「G-SHOCK」などのレストアサービス、カシオが期間限定で | https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2110/05/news156.html | 受け付け | 2021-10-05 19:10:00 |
IT | ITmedia 総合記事一覧 | [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「モバイルSuica・PASMO」のチャージできない障害が解消 JR東は一部返金対応へ | https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2110/05/news157.html | applepay | 2021-10-05 19:04:00 |
python | Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | Pythonでしか描けない美しいデシジョンツリー(決定木)をlightGBMでも描こう! | https://qiita.com/hima2b4/items/b356e688ebdabc393da8 | lightGBMで描いた場合先のデシジョンツリーよりも層多い層ですが、分岐させるべき葉が絞られていますのでlightGBMのデシジョンツリーの方が圧倒的に見やすいです。 | 2021-10-05 19:17:22 |
js | JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | きのこの山 VS たけのこの里 あなたはどっち派?を調べてみた | https://qiita.com/tanakahiroki/items/1bfd4ec9c93848e24e26 | どちらも美味しいですよね背景・目的誰もが一度は経験したであろう、「きのこたけのこ論争」。 | 2021-10-05 19:36:07 |
js | JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | 【Jest】プライベート関数のテストとモック化 | https://qiita.com/YSasago/items/adb8a6fbfc1937eaacc9 | terminalnpminstallsavedevbabelpluginrewire次にbabelconfigjsに、このプラグインを追加します。 | 2021-10-05 19:10:51 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | Haskell の Iteratee | https://teratail.com/questions/362937?rss=all | HaskellのIterateeIterateenbspのデータ構造は簡単にすれば次のような感じになっています。 | 2021-10-05 19:59:30 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | undefined method `find_by' for nil:NilClassのエラーが出てログインできない | https://teratail.com/questions/362936?rss=all | undefinedmethodfindbyxfornilNilClassのエラーが出てログインできない前提・実現したいこと現場Railsの書籍を見ながら、タスク管理アプリを作成しています。 | 2021-10-05 19:53:52 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | syntax error, unexpected token "}" のエラー表示が出るのですが、原因が不明です。 | https://teratail.com/questions/362935?rss=all | syntaxerrorunexpectedtokenquotquotのエラー表示が出るのですが、原因が不明です。 | 2021-10-05 19:50:57 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | Ag-grid内にローカルの画像を表示させたい | https://teratail.com/questions/362934?rss=all | Aggrid内にローカルの画像を表示させたい前提・実現したいこと最近AgGridを使い始めている初心者です。 | 2021-10-05 19:43:25 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | ReactでsetStateした後、再レンダリングが発生しない | https://teratail.com/questions/362933?rss=all | ReactでsetStateした後、再レンダリングが発生しない前提・実現したいことLaravelnbspnbspReactを使用しています。 | 2021-10-05 19:35:55 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | undefined method `find_by' for nil:NilClassとエラーが出て先に進めない | https://teratail.com/questions/362932?rss=all | undefinedmethodfindbyxfornilNilClassとエラーが出て先に進めない前提・実現したいこと現場Railsの書籍を見ながらタスク管理アプリを作成しているのですが、アドレスとパスワードを入力してログインをしようとしたらできず困っています。 | 2021-10-05 19:27:15 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | strict-origin-when-cross-origin エラー | https://teratail.com/questions/362931?rss=all | strictoriginwhencrossoriginエラーnextjsnbspで作成したアプリをnbspGCPnbspのnbspCloudnbsprunnbspにコンテナデプロイしたところ、一部の通信nextimagenbspによるnbsp画像の取得や、nbspstripenbspページへの遷移において、strictoriginwhencrossoriginnbspエラーが発生しました。 | 2021-10-05 19:21:13 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | cssのdisplay:flexの使用用途 | https://teratail.com/questions/362930?rss=all | 2021-10-05 19:12:00 | |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | 高さのサイズ調整をしたいが、実行されない。他のコードが邪魔しているそうなのですが、何が邪魔しているのかわかりません。 | https://teratail.com/questions/362929?rss=all | 高さのサイズ調整をしたいが、実行されない。 | 2021-10-05 19:09:07 |
Program | [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | c++の動的ライブラリのビルドがうまくいきません。 | https://teratail.com/questions/362928?rss=all | cの動的ライブラリのビルドがうまくいきません。 | 2021-10-05 19:06:02 |
AWS | AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | VyOSでVPC同士をVPN接続する。 | https://qiita.com/ihsoy_23/items/291f6f33c2de1b7244e3 | 目次VyOSとは構成図事前準備VyOSインスタンス作成バージニアリージョンカスタマーゲートウェイ東京リージョン仮想プライベートゲートウェイ東京リージョンVPN接続の作成東京リージョンダウンロードしたVyOSの設定ファイルを修正VyOS設定バージニアリージョンルート伝播を有効にする東京リージョン疎通確認まとめVyOSとはVyattaからフォークしたオープンソースのネットワークOSで、ソフトウェアベースのルーティング、ファイアウォール、VPNなどの機能を持っています。 | 2021-10-05 19:20:00 |
AWS | AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita | AWS CloudFormationを使いこなす(1) | https://qiita.com/koba-masa/items/961dce06dbf5349ded0c | 必要なときにはいつでもテンプレートを使用し、スタック全体をつのユニットとして作成、更新、削除できます引用必要なものCloudFormation用のロール後述しますが、CloudFormationを使用してリソースを構築する場合、各リソースを作成するためのロールを選択する必要があります。 | 2021-10-05 19:07:25 |
技術ブログ | Developers.IO | 「AWS Step Functions上でエラーが発生した場合の効果的な通知方法を検討してみた」というテーマで喋りました #devio2021 | https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/devio2021-stepfunctions-error-notify/ | awsstepfunctions | 2021-10-05 10:26:52 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | A blog post about blogging | https://dev.to/smeetsmeister/a-blog-post-about-blogging-391p | A blog post about bloggingI published my first blog post why you should put your code on an opensource platform on the th of January in And I thought it was a good moment to reflect on how blogging has been for me so far In this new meta category I am planning to dedicate a few blog posts to what I have learned in my blogging journey In this first blog post we will dive into some of the statistics How many people have read my blog posts and which ones are the most popular Let s dive in TrafficTotal amount of page viewsFrom until I have had page views I ve had some spikes that I will explain later but on average the page views are between views per month The traffic can be divided into the following categories Comes from direct traffic Comes from social Thank you Twitter Comes through organic search are referrals mostly other Socials and clicks from other platforms like dev to Most viewed blog postsMost viewed blog postsMy most popular blog post is the lessons I learned as a starting scrum master It has pageviews which account for almost of all page views Most of these page views are thanks to Reddit I shared this post there and it kind of blew up This still brings in a small part of page views The second best blog post in terms of page views is the Movie retrospective pageviews and about of traffic The third best blog post is the Eisenhower retrospective Actually the first retrospective I wrote a blog post about and was the whole inspiration for the retrospective challenge With page views and of traffic SEOIf my job was SEO specialist at a company I would probably already be fired I have impressions on Google and just clicks That means my click through rate is To keep it positive that means I have a lot of room for improvement in the future Clicks in GoogleIn terms of clicks there is content king The movie retrospective I m not sure how or why but this page lands almost of all clicks on Google Nice Impressions in GoogleAs you can see the pages that get a lot of impressions are not getting the same amount of clicks Interesting and an interesting area to take a look at in terms of improving click through rates NewsletterAlmost every blog dedicated to improving your blogging mentions having a newsletter Get e mail addresses of people that are interested in your content And send them emails once you write new blog posts This will drive recurring customers back to your blog post This sounds good on paper but I ab so lutely hate serving popups to visitors to subscribe to the newsletter I have a menu item at the top but that does not seem to drive a lot of traffic If you are interested in joining the newsletter you can sign up here In terms of how many people actually signed up Just Thanks Bart you are the real MVP EarningsIf there is one thing I hate more than popups asking you to sign up for a newsletter it is ads Luckily I found a great replacement called Coil You basically pay Coil dollars per month and install a browser plugin Whenever you visit a website that has Coil you pay a small part of your dollars to that website depending on how long you spent on this website This makes sure your subscription goes to the websites you really visit And the longer you stay the more they will get In this period I have earned € with Coil Almost month of hosting This amount fluctuates there are times where I earn cents per day and there are times where I earn cent in months Those are the statistics on my blogging journey Do you have any tips or any other metrics you would like to see Let me know and I will answer them in one of the upcoming meta posts | 2021-10-05 10:41:58 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | Learning Python- Intermediate course: Day 37, File handling in Python | https://dev.to/aatmaj/learning-python-intermediate-course-day-37-file-handling-in-python-1pih | Learning Python Intermediate course Day File handling in Python Today we cover File handling in Python in a lightning fast speedMany times we need to save data into files for long term usage Today we will learn how to write data into a file and retrieve it Opening a filePython has two types of files text and binary But we will now learn only about text files which are quite popular How will the interpreter know when to end a line Each line in a file has the EOL terminating character example comma or newline character which the interpreter reads and processes a new line We can open a file into four modes r Reading mode w Writing mode a Appending mode r Both reading and writingIf not passed then Python will assume it to be “r by default Syntax for opening a file We can open a file using the syntaxfile open myfile txt r Reading modefile open myfile txt a Writing modefile open myfile txt w Appending modefile open myfile txt r Both reading and writingNote than the file name is case sensitive So myfile txt is not equal to Myfile txt Reading from a fileFirst we make a file named say myfile txtA Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogWelcome to PYTHON ProgrammingIn case the file doesn t exist we get this error Traceback most recent call last File main py line in lt module gt file open myfile txt r FileNotFoundError Errno No such file or directory myfile txt We can read the contents of the file using the file read methodfile open myfile txt r print file read OUTPUTA Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogWelcome to PYTHON ProgrammingWe can also return a specific number of characters by adding parameters to the read method For examplefile open myfile txt r print file read OUTPUTA QuickThe value returned is a stringfile open myfile txt r print type file read lt class str gt We can access the file line by line using the for in loopfile open myfile txt r for temp in file print temp This syntax prints out each element of the file in lines A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogWelcome to PYTHON Programming Writing into a fileWhen we write into a file we do not need to create one If the file in which we want to write doesn t exist it gets automatically created file open myfile txt w file write A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog file write Welcome to PYTHON Programming file close OUTPUT myfile txt A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Welcome to PYTHON ProgrammingThe close command terminates all the resources in use and frees the system of this particular program If we want the text into two separate lines we can use the newline n symbol file open myfile txt w file write A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog file write n file write Welcome to PYTHON Programming file close OUTPUT myfile txt A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Welcome to PYTHON ProgrammingThe write method overrides the file each and every time the file is opened function is called To avoid this we can use the append mode to add to the file file open myfile txt a file write A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog file write n file write Welcome to PYTHON Programming file close A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Welcome to PYTHON ProgrammingA Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Welcome to PYTHON ProgrammingSo friends we have covered file handling today From next parts onwards we will cover object oriented programming | 2021-10-05 10:32:12 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | Building Tailwind CSS card components | https://dev.to/themesberg/building-tailwind-css-card-components-12c5 | Building Tailwind CSS card componentsTailwind CSS is a framework that I ve been using a lot lately to quickly build websites without having to leave the HTML files It is an interesting new approach and there are pros and cons as with any other framework or technology but I think that everyone should at least give it a try One of the disadvantages that I ve found is that it does not have a base set of components to work with which would also be solely based on the utility classes This is why I started a tutorial series here on dev to about building the most commonly used web components such as buttons cards dropdowns datepickers and more Last time I wrote about building a button group components with Tailwind CSS and today I want to show you how to build card elements Let s get started Tailwind CSS card componentI ll show you two different cards in this tutorial a card which is an lt a gt taga card that has a CTA button inside which is the lt a gt tagWe ll first need to write the HTML for the first card lt a href gt lt h gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt p gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a gt As you can see the markup is quite simple and straightforward There s an a tag that wraps up everything with a h and p tags inside Let s give some style to the card lt a href class block p bg white shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt h gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt p gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a gt Looks pretty good but the text inside is still unstyled Let s fix that lt a href class block p bg white shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt h class text gray font bold text xl tracking tight mb gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt p class font normal text gray gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a gt Looking better Let s also add a hover effect to the card lt a href class block p bg white hover bg gray shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt h class text gray font bold text xl tracking tight mb gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt p class font normal text gray gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a gt The final result should look like this Look pretty neat But this card has only text I want to show you how to build a classic blog card that you can use to link to articles Tailwind CSS card with imageLet s first start with the HTML lt div gt lt a href gt lt img src alt gt lt a gt lt div gt lt a href gt lt h gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt a gt lt p gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a href gt Read more lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt As you can see we ve added multiple tags on the image title and the read more button Nothing is styled yet so let s start with the card styles lt div class bg white shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt a href gt lt img src alt gt lt a gt lt div class p gt lt a href gt lt h gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt a gt lt p gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a href gt Read more lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt Looking better Let s now give some style to the text elements lt div class bg white shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt a href gt lt img src alt gt lt a gt lt div class p gt lt a href gt lt h class text gray font bold text xl tracking tight mb gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt a gt lt p class font normal text gray mb gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a href gt Read more lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt Let s also make the image rounded lt div class bg white shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt a href gt lt img class rounded t lg src alt gt lt a gt lt div class p gt lt a href gt lt h class text gray font bold text xl tracking tight mb gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt a gt lt p class font normal text gray mb gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a href gt Read more lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt Now let s also make that read more button look like one lt div class bg white shadow md border border gray rounded lg max w sm gt lt a href gt lt img class rounded t lg src alt gt lt a gt lt div class p gt lt a href gt lt h class text gray font bold text xl tracking tight mb gt Noteworthy technology acquisitions lt h gt lt a gt lt p class font normal text gray mb gt Here are the biggest enterprise technology acquisitions of so far in reverse chronological order lt p gt lt a class text white bg blue hover bg blue focus ring focus ring blue font medium rounded lg text sm px py text center inline flex items center href gt Read more lt a gt lt div gt lt div gt The final result should look like this Awesome I hope that you liked this tutorial and that it will help you with your project and Tailwind CSS journey Flowbite Tailwind CSS component libraryThis Tailwind CSS card component is part of a larger and open source component library built with Tailwind CSS utility classes called Flowbite You can learn more about the library and how to get started by checking out the official documentation of Flowbite or by checking out the Github repository | 2021-10-05 10:31:16 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | Reverse Engineering Keyboard Driver: Part 2 (Decompiling .NET applications) | https://dev.to/rishit/reverse-engineering-keyboard-driver-part-2-decompiling-net-applications-44l2 | Reverse Engineering Keyboard Driver Part Decompiling NET applications IntroductionThis post is a part of my series to reverse engineer the keyboard driver Omen Light Studio application on my HP Omen Laptop and re implement its functionality on Linux In this post I will be covering how to decompile NET services DLLs Locating the ServiceI have been using the Light Studio Application for a while and one of its best features is the ability to set up dynamic wave lighting on your keyboard In this setting the lighting on the keyboard keeps changing dynamically to show a sort of wave animation An intriguing behavior I have observed with this feature is that the animation works just once you have booted into Windows During the boot processor in Ubuntu the lighting is set to the last set color from windows and remains static This means that the animation is most likely set by a background service on windows which starts on boot and is not a feature of the keyboard on the hardware level So I began by opening a task manager and looking for any relevant background services that are running I found two of particular interest Omen Gaming HubLight Studio HelperThe second service looks more interesting so I right clicked on the service and selected Open File Location and found that it was located at C Program Files HP LightStudioHelper We can see several files but one which caught my eye was Newtonsoft Json dll I instantly recognized it as a C library as I have worked with it in the past This is important as this means that the application was likely to be written in Net in C Decompiling the Executable and DLL FilesNext I looked for tools to decompile NET applications The top result was a free tool by Jetbrains called DotPeek I began by opening the folder on DotPeek and it was able to decompile all the DLLs The two results of most importance to us are the ones for LightStudioHelper and OmenFourZoneLighting The LightStudioHelper binary is what runs the background service We start by looking at the Main method in this class private static int Main string args string productVersion Process GetCurrentProcess MainModule FileVersionInfo ProductVersion Logger logger Info Logger logger Info Log Start version productVersion if Program ProcessCommands args Logger logger Info string Format program exits returnCode object Program returnCode return Program returnCode if Program IsAnotherInstanceRunning OLS HELPER Logger logger Info program exits return Program returnCode Program Cleanup Program CreateTimer Program CreateAndRunThread Logger logger Info program exits return Program returnCode This method first gets the version of the service processes command line arguments and then checks if another process of the OLS HELPER service is running not sure why yet and then runs the Cleanup method private static void Cleanup Logger logger Info Cleanup TaskScheduler taskScheduler new TaskScheduler LightStudioHelperTemp taskScheduler Stop taskScheduler Delete DirectoryInfo directoryInfo new DirectoryInfo Program InstallDirTemp if directoryInfo Exists return directoryInfo Delete true The cleanup method creates a TaskScheduler class which is another user defined class in the source code of the service The implementation for Stop and Delete can be seen in the source but it s irrelevant as it just deals with killing any already running process of the LightStudioHelper We concentrate on the CreateAndRunThread method which is run next private static void CreateAndRunThread Logger logger Info CreateAndRunThread Thread thread new Thread new ParameterizedThreadStart Program ThreadLightingUpdate thread IsBackground true thread Start if thread null thread IsAlive return thread Join This method creates a new Thead which executes the ThreadLightingUpdate method in the background private static void ThreadLightingUpdate object state Color colorArray new Color Logger logger Info enter ThreadLightingUpdate while Program isRunning FourZoneLightingData zoneLightingData LightStudioStorage lt FourZoneLightingData gt ReadData if zoneLightingData null amp amp zoneLightingData FourZoneColors null bool flag false for int index index lt index if flag amp amp colorArray index zoneLightingData FourZoneColors index flag true colorArray index zoneLightingData FourZoneColors index if flag amp amp FourZoneLighting IsTurnOn Thread Sleep FourZoneLighting SetZoneColors zoneLightingData FourZoneColors Thread Sleep Logger logger Info leave ThreadLightingUpdate This is the main loop of the thread and on looking at it we already got a lot of clues on how the background service works It maintains a element array of Color which is encouraging as I know my keyboard has configurable lighting zones this might refer to the color of each zone The program has a while loop that seems to read colors from some sort of storage LightStudioStorage lt FourZoneLightingData gt ReadData and then stores the color data in the element color array It maintains a flag variable to check if any of the regions has a different color Finally if the flag variable is set and FourZoneLighting IsTurnOn is true presumably checking if the keyboard lights are turned on it calls FourZoneLighting SetZoneColors to set the colors I went in a little side adventure in checking out the LightStudioStorage and where it stores data and found that it is a MemoryMappedFile namespace CommonLib SharedMemory public sealed class LightStudioStorage lt T gt private static MemoryMappedFileHelper mmfHelper new MemoryMappedFileHelper typeof T Name private LightStudioStorage public static void WriteData T data if LightStudioStorage lt T gt mmfHelper null return LightStudioStorage lt T gt mmfHelper WriteData lt T gt data public static T ReadData T obj default T if LightStudioStorage lt T gt mmfHelper null obj LightStudioStorage lt T gt mmfHelper ReadData lt T gt return obj This likely refers to some shared memory logic and another process might be writing to this memory mapped file and calculating colors based on an algorithm For now I stopped here but this area might be interesting to look at in the future as well Moving on I searched for the implementation of FourZoneLighting SetZoneColors and found it was implemented in OmenFourZoneLighting dll public static bool SetZoneColors Color zoneColors if zoneColors Length return false byte returnData byte null int num FourZoneLighting Execute byte null out returnData Thread Sleep if num amp amp returnData null byte inputData returnData returnData byte null for int index index lt index inputData index zoneColors index R inputData index zoneColors index G inputData index zoneColors index B num FourZoneLighting Execute inputData Length inputData out returnData return num This file basically seems too transfer the colors to another data structure inputData and then passes them to Execute private static int Execute int command int commandType int inputDataSize byte inputData out byte returnData returnData new byte try ManagementObject managementObject new ManagementObject root wmi hpqBIntM InstanceName ACPI PNPC ObjectGetOptions null ManagementObject managementObject ManagementObject new ManagementClass root wmi hpqBDataIn ManagementBaseObject methodParameters managementObject GetMethodParameters hpqBIOSInt ManagementBaseObject managementBaseObject ManagementBaseObject new ManagementClass root wmi hpqBDataOut managementObject Sign object FourZoneLighting Sign managementObject Command object command managementObject CommandType object commandType managementObject Size object inputDataSize managementObject hpqBData object inputData methodParameters InData object managementObject InvokeMethodOptions invokeMethodOptions new InvokeMethodOptions invokeMethodOptions Timeout TimeSpan MaxValue InvokeMethodOptions options invokeMethodOptions ManagementBaseObject managementBaseObject managementObject InvokeMethod hpqBIOSInt methodParameters options OutData as ManagementBaseObject returnData managementBaseObject Data as byte return Convert ToInt managementBaseObject rwReturnCode catch Exception ex Console WriteLine OMEN Four zone lighting WmiCommand Execute occurs exception ex ToString return This method seems to be doing the actual interaction with the hardware of the keyboard I did a bit of research about ManagementObject and found that it s a class used to interact with WMI Windows Management Instrumentation WMI specifically WMIACPI allows you to interact with the Bios and hardware devices but more on this on the next blog post for now let us just treat this function as a black box which does some magic to set the colors of the keyboard Since now we have enough information on how the service works I tried to implement everything in the OmenFourZoneLighting dll file in my command line C program for windows Rewriting the WMI Code in a C programI started by setting up a NET console application on Rider and added the System Drawing and System Management DLLs as assembly references from my system I copied most of the Code from the dotPeek decompiled result and fixed some variable references and wrote a CMD application which is available on this Github repository thebongy omen cli omen cli A CLI to customize your keyboard backlight Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of ContentsAbout the ProjectBuilt WithGetting StartedPrerequisitesInstallationUsageRoadmapContributingLicenseContributorsAbout The Projectomen cli is a lightweight CLI tools built in C to customize keyboard backlights on HP Omen laptops similar to how Omen Light studio does Built WithC Net Framework CommandLineParser️Getting StartedTo get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps Prerequisites NET Framework Nuget exe CLIMSBuild exe CLIInstallationClone the repogit clone Install dependenciesnuget install CLI packages config OutputDirectory packagesRun the following command from the root dir to build the projectMSBuild exeUsageTo view all the options available use the help command The set command is used to set colors to… View on GitHub ConclusionIn this post we saw how to decompile a C application and then implemented is using NET Framework In the next post I will research more into ACPI and WMI drivers for Linux to get a better idea of how to implement this functionality on Linux | 2021-10-05 10:19:22 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | 7 Reasons You Should Learn JavaScript + 5 Best Free JavaScript Resources | https://dev.to/ashutoshmishra/7-reasons-you-should-learn-javascript-5-best-free-javascript-resources-465c | Reasons You Should Learn JavaScript Best Free JavaScript ResourcesIn September Brendan Eich a Netscape programmer created a language called Mocha in days Mocha would later become JavaScript and it was originally created with the purpose of making small animations user interactions and other types of automation for the web Little did he know that JavaScript would become so huge that the concept of the web would be unimaginable without it Today years later in JavaScript powers of the websites on the Internet So anyone who wants to make a career in web development must walk this road of JavaScript In today s post I ll tell you why it s important for you to learn JavaScript and the best courses where you can learn JavaScript for free Reasons You Should Learn JavaScript JavaScript is the most popular programming languageIn the Stack Overflow survey JavaScript completed its th year in a row as the most popular programming language What more evidence should I give you to prove its popularity JavaScript is the default language of the internetJavaScript is the default language of the internet and native to your browser Hence you don t need those fancy IDEs to start programming in JavaScript As long as you have access to a web browser and some text editor you are all set to code all your solutions will run inside the browser itself JavaScript is beginner friendly in natureJavaScript saves beginners from the hassle of setting up their development server which could have overwhelmed a lot of newbie coders The syntax of JavaScript is also easier to pick up than other programming languages like C etc Apart from that thousands of awesome free resources and gigantic online community support also make JavaScript a great choice for beginners JavaScript is a versatile languageJavaScript is one of the most versatile programming languages in the world you can learn both Front End and Back End development with JavaScript only which means you don t necessarily need knowledge of any other programming language apart from JavaScript to create awesome full fledged websites But Web Development is not the only field where JavaScript rocks You can create desktop apps with Electron and Mobile apps with React Native if you know React which is a JavaScript framework Apart from websites desktop or mobile apps you can also use JavaScript to create browser games web applications web servers smartwatch apps and many more cool things Huge demand in the marketWith the internet spreading its wings even across the remotest areas of the world the huge demand for web developers is a no brainer and most of the web is essentially based on JavaScript so the demand for developers who know JavaScript is obvious In the Stack Overflow survey JavaScript outperformed every other language as the most common programming language with of professional developers using it around the globe Massive community supportCommunities play a huge role in learning most of the problems which you ll face as a beginner have already been solved and documented by someone else JavaScript has one of the most active and vibrant communities spread all over the internet from Stack Overflow GitHub HackerNoon Reddit Twitter Freecodecamp Hashnode etc to different Slack groups and Discord servers Future orientedThe number of internet users all around the world is increasing every day so to cater their needs more JavaScript developers will be needed JavaScript as a language is also evolving every year and with the advent of Web technologies such as Artificial Intelligence Blockchain IoT AR VR are making their way on the web This clearly shows that JavaScript has a lot to offer the world in the future Amazing FREE JavaScript Courses JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures FreecodecampFreecodecamp is a not for profit company whose mission is to help people learn to code for free Their course JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures is one of the best courses to start learning JavaScript This course takes you from the absolute basics of JavaScript to modern ES Regular Expressions Basic Data Structures Functional Programming and Object Oriented Programming along with lots of algorithmic challenges to strengthen your problem solving muscles Unfortunately this course doesn t teach you about Document Object Model DOM but still this is one of the best courses to start JavaScript you can cover DOM from other courses mentioned below quickly Learn JavaScript Basics CodedamnCodedamn is an interactive coding platform that provides both video lectures and hands on practice sessions with its labs feature which means you are not just passively watching videos but also implementing what you learn side by side This course takes you from the absolute basics of JavaScript variables data types etc to intermediate concepts like function and objects etc This course is designed to cover only basic JavaScript and for advanced concepts Codedamn has another course you can either buy that or cover the advance part from freecodecamp s curriculum One great thing here is that this course teaches you about DOM so you can complement the course with freecodecamp MDN Web DocsMDN Web Docs is an extensive documentation created and maintained by Mozilla Technically it s not a course but documentation It covers structured content on JavaScript from absolute basics to advance if you can directly understand and learn the language from here that s amazing or else you can use it as a reference to look up when you find any topic confusing or want to learn a specific topic Learn JavaScript for free ScrimbaScrimba com is a code learning platform whose goal is to create the best possible coding school at the lowest possible cost for students Scrimba created a new video format for its code screencast tutorials All their tutorials are screencast videos and at any point you can pause the video and edit the code which your instructor was typing which is a mind blowing way to learn This is purely a project based course here you ll create a Passenger Counter App Blackjack game Chrome ExtensionI would recommend you to first learn the concepts from the above courses and once you have a basic understanding of JavaScript come here to learn how to implement those concepts while building actual projects Building these three awesome projects will be fun and also boost your development skills JavaScript infoAnother incredible documentation website similar to MDN but only for JavaScript This website documents JavaScript from absolute beginning to absolute advance If your goal is to master JavaScript or reach an advanced level I would recommend you to check out this website In the initial stage don t use this website as a roadmap for your learning but only as a reference to understand certain topics Your first goal should be to get to the stage where you can build amazing projects on your own JavaScript info might overwhelm and demotivate you in the early stage when you look at the depth of the JavaScript language Once you go beyond the basic level of JavaScript this website is your best friend Ideal Roadmap to learn JavaScriptMy ideal recommendation for you as a beginner would be to cover the important topics from Freecodecamp and Codedamn try to complement the learnings of both the platforms and don t study the same topic from all the websites if you already get it Once your basics are covered sign up for the Scrimba course to get started in project building If you complete the course sincerely you ll be skilled enough to walk on your own path and start building your own projects once the course is over If you have any doubts or you are stuck at something feel free to DM me on Twitter I ll be more than happy to help you Also published on HackerNoon | 2021-10-05 10:17:22 |
海外TECH | DEV Community | My 10 favorite Tech Twitter tweets from the past week: | https://dev.to/pascavld/my-10-favorite-tech-twitter-tweets-from-the-past-week-3ab2 | My favorite Tech Twitter tweets from the past week If you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer This article was first published on my BlogThis is how you can use var in HTML by IMAC Álvaro Trigo imac We can use var in HTML too Usually displayed in italics Improves semantics for variables mathematical expressions and programming contexts PM Sep Stop worrying about the tools By ravinwashere Ravin ravinwashere Dear Developer Don t worry about tools Don t worry about making things perfect Just build things When you do you will learn about all sorts of things related to software development PM Sep Learn Unit Testing in JavaScript By TheAnkurTyagi Ankur theankurtyagi The Ultimate Guide to Unit Testing in JavaScript A Thread PM Sep Free Full Stack program By catalinmpit Catalin Pit catalinmpit Today I started the Full Stack program and I thought of sharing it with you It teaches you the following technologies •Node js•MongoDB•GraphQL•TypeScript•React•ReduxIt s completely free and of high quality fullstackopen com en PM Sep Simple Web Developer Roadmap By heyOnuoha Favor heyonuoha A Simple Web Developer Roadmap lt Start Here gt ↓Blockchain Theory ↓Smart Contracts ↓JavaScript →Web js ↓Projects → Project ↓Deploy →IPFS ↓Get a job ↓ AM Sep Useful websites for developers By denicmarko Marko Denic denicmarko Useful websites for web developers AM Sep Focus on the basicsBy natmiletic Nat Miletic natmiletic I would learn WordPress and SEO before I spend any time on web PM Sep Contribute to webBy oliverjumpertz Oliver Jumpertz oliverjumpertz Web is the next evolutionary step of the internet and an awesome one to be honest Every web developer beginner junior or senior can and should contribute to it and it doesn t even take too much effort Let s see how A thread ↓ PM Sep Don t do these things as a developerBy sunilc Sunil Kumar sunilc As a developer do not neglect soft skills run behind buzz words be in your comfort zone make work your entire life just stick to one tech stack stay in one company for long feel envious of others success keep sitting for longer hours without breaks PM Sep Always learn something newBy nachoiacovino Nacho Iacovino nachoiacovino Software engineering is the only job in which companies expect you to keep doing it and learning about it in your free time Imagine a doctor that gets discarded for a job because he doesn t perform enough side surgeries PM Sep I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter | 2021-10-05 10:10:43 |
Apple | AppleInsider - Frontpage News | Apple's A15 Bionic announcements undersells improvements over A14 | https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/10/05/apples-a15-bionic-announcements-undersells-improvements-over-a14?utm_medium=rss | Apple x s A Bionic announcements undersells improvements over AApple may be underselling the performance of its new A Bionic chip with initial in depth benchmarks and analysis of the iPhone SoC pointing to it having considerable power compared to its rivals and a hefty improvement on the A During Apple s iPhone launch the company promoted the A in an unusual way namely by comparing it against its competition rather than previous generations Apple mentioned the A Bionic was faster than the leading rival chips with better graphical performance for the four core GPU for the five core but not how much it improved on the A Bionic An in depth breakdown of the changes in the A by Anandtech reveals that there are considerable improvements in performance over the previous year s SoC design This starts with Apple s use of two new CPU microarchitectures for its high performance and high efficiency CPU cores Read more | 2021-10-05 10:57:08 |
Apple | AppleInsider - Frontpage News | South Korea says Apple owes $46 million in unpaid taxes | https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/10/05/south-korea-says-apple-owes-46-million-in-unpaid-taxes?utm_medium=rss | South Korea says Apple owes million in unpaid taxesApple made wireless carriers pay for iPhone advertising costs and a representative of the South Korean government says a tax bill is due Accounting experts for Korea s antitrust group ーthe Korea Fair Trade Commission ーmade the claim Apple Korea is said to have made local carriers foot the bill of up to billion won million and Apple needs to shoulder billion won million in taxes because of the deed with a penalty hiking that to up to billion won million However the Korea Times reported on Tuesday that Representative Jang Hye young of the Justice Party believes that this is just the start of the costs that Apple must pay Read more | 2021-10-05 10:39:32 |
Apple | AppleInsider - Frontpage News | Apple commemorates Steve Jobs on the 10th anniversary of his death | https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/10/05/apple-celebrates-steve-jobs-on-the-10th-anniversary-of-his-death?utm_medium=rss | Apple commemorates Steve Jobs on the th anniversary of his deathApple s website today showcases a Celebrating Steve video featuring famous moments from Steve Jobs s life and career plus a statement from his family Still from Apple s Celebrating Steve Ten years after the death of Apple co founder Steve Jobs Apple has turned over its website s homepage to two memorials An almost three minute video tribute and then a personal message from Laurene Powell Jobs and the rest of Jobs s family Read more | 2021-10-05 10:09:08 |
Cisco | Cisco Blog | Looking ahead to the future of hybrid education | https://blogs.cisco.com/education/looking-ahead-to-the-future-of-hybrid-education | Looking ahead to the future of hybrid educationCisco is innovating to provide solutions for schools and universities to transform their institutions to support hybrid learning as a simple sustainable solution for both educators and students | 2021-10-05 10:47:58 |
海外科学 | NYT > Science | Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi | https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/science/nobel-prize-physics-manabe-klaus-parisi.html | Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to Syukuro Manabe Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio ParisiThe work of Syukuro Manabe Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi “demonstrate that our knowledge about the climate rests on a solid scientific foundation the committee said | 2021-10-05 10:36:20 |
海外科学 | NYT > Science | A Nobel Prize for Stephen Hawking That Might Have Been | https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/04/science/hawking-nobel-black-hole.html | A Nobel Prize for Stephen Hawking That Might Have BeenA recent study of black holes confirmed a fundamental prediction that the theoretical physicist made nearly five decades ago But the ultimate award is beyond his reach | 2021-10-05 10:18:58 |
海外TECH | WIRED | Remembering Steve Jobs, 10 Years After His Death | https://www.wired.com/story/remembering-steve-jobs-10-years-after-his-death | apple | 2021-10-05 11:00:00 |
海外TECH | WIRED | This Facebook Whistleblower Hearing Will Be Different | https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-whistleblower-hearing-will-be-different | This Facebook Whistleblower Hearing Will Be DifferentCongress has been grilling the company s executives for years This time Frances Haugen the former employee behind an unprecedented leak of documents will take the floor | 2021-10-05 11:00:00 |
海外TECH | WIRED | Coding Games for Kids, Especially Girls, Have Come a Long Way | https://www.wired.com/story/coding-games-for-kids-girls | options | 2021-10-05 11:00:00 |
海外TECH | WIRED | Alcohol Is the Breast Cancer Risk No One Wants to Talk About | https://www.wired.com/story/alcohol-is-the-breast-cancer-risk-no-one-wants-to-talk-about | women | 2021-10-05 11:00:00 |
海外TECH | WIRED | Denis Villeneuve on Dune: ‘I Was Really a Maniac’ | https://www.wired.com/story/denis-villeneuve-dune-q-and-a | Denis Villeneuve on Dune I Was Really a Maniac The director has wanted to adapt Frank Herbert s book since he was a teenager Now he s finished the first half of what he hopes will be the ultimate Dune | 2021-10-05 11:00:00 |
医療系 | 医療介護 CBnews | 後発薬の安定供給へ、事業モデル転換の必要性に言及-社保審医療部会で厚労省・経済課長 | https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20211005195338 | 厚生労働省 | 2021-10-05 20:00:00 |
海外ニュース | Japan Times latest articles | Japan-born Syukuro Manabe among three winners of Nobel Prize in physics | https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/10/05/world/science-health-world/physics-nobel-prize/ | physical | 2021-10-05 19:25:14 |
海外ニュース | Japan Times latest articles | Japan’s new economic security minister sets out agenda amid global supply chain woes | https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/10/05/business/economic-security-minister-agenda/ | Japan s new economic security minister sets out agenda amid global supply chain woesOne of the major tasks for Takayuki Kobayashi a Finance Ministry bureaucrat turned politician is to create a new legal framework to support the implementation of related | 2021-10-05 19:15:59 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | Facebook down: Zuckerberg apologises for six-hour outage | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-58800726?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | 2021-10-05 10:31:33 | |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | Boris Johnson denies UK in crisis over shortages | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58800329?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | covid | 2021-10-05 10:16:12 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | Boris Johnson does not support making misogyny a hate crime | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58800328?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | abundant | 2021-10-05 10:22:14 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | French Church abuse: 216,000 children were victims of clergy - inquiry | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58801183?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | cruel | 2021-10-05 10:38:06 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | 127 fuel drivers apply for UK visa | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58800848?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | illustrates | 2021-10-05 10:51:45 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | Priti Patel to outline measures to curtail disruptive activists' travel | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58796805?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | activists | 2021-10-05 10:07:38 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | London flooding hits Tube services and roads | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-58799222?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | lashes | 2021-10-05 10:02:44 |
ニュース | BBC News - Home | Are Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak right about wages rising? | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/58793537?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA | rishi | 2021-10-05 10:33:19 |
北海道 | 北海道新聞 | 「森友問題の再調査考えず」 就任会見で鈴木財務相 | https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/596787/ | 森友学園 | 2021-10-05 19:03:26 |
北海道 | 北海道新聞 | 真鍋淑郎氏にノーベル物理学賞 気候変動予測のモデルを開発 | https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/596790/ | 気候変動 | 2021-10-05 19:15:58 |
北海道 | 北海道新聞 | 米海兵隊、中国念頭新作戦で訓練 沖縄、空母と目標データを共有 | https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/596797/ | 沖縄県金武町 | 2021-10-05 19:14:00 |
北海道 | 北海道新聞 | 仮面ライダー記念貨幣を販売 テレビ放送50年で造幣局 | https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/596794/ | 仮面ライダー | 2021-10-05 19:03:00 |
北海道 | 北海道新聞 | 透析中止の説明が「不十分」 福生病院、患者遺族と和解 | https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/596793/ | 公立福生病院 | 2021-10-05 19:03:00 |
北海道 | 北海道新聞 | 猿之助さん、詐欺防止訴え 広報大使委嘱、警視庁 | https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/596792/ | 市川猿之助 | 2021-10-05 19:03:00 |
IT | 週刊アスキー | 『FFXIV: 暁月のフィナーレ』発売記念ラジオ番組「神木隆之介のRADIO MOG STATION」が10月14日25時からオンエア! | https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/071/4071256/ | ffxiv | 2021-10-05 19:55:00 |
IT | 週刊アスキー | 元プロ野球選手の藤川球児さんがゲストに!10月6日の「カプコンTV!」は視聴者と一緒に『モンハンライズ』をプレイ | https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/071/4071261/ | 藤川球児 | 2021-10-05 19:40:00 |
IT | 週刊アスキー | 『ソフィーのアトリエ2』冒頭のシーンが早くも見られる!イントロダクションムービーが公開 | https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/071/4071255/ | nintendoswitchpcsteam | 2021-10-05 19:10:00 |
マーケティング | AdverTimes | 大丸松坂屋にDtoC専門売り場 魅力伝達に注力 | https://www.advertimes.com/20211005/article364590/ | 大丸東京店 | 2021-10-05 10:08:25 |
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